Project Portfolio

A brief insight into a selection of the projects built throughout the SheCodes Max curriculum.

Vanilla JavaScript Weather App

Built with HTML5, CSS3 & Vanilla JavaScript, the weather forecast application retrieves weather data based on the user's location input by integrating the OpenWeatherMap API to display the current & weekly forecast.

Book Recommendations Generator Project

The Book Recommendations Generator offers personalised reading suggestions based on the user's preferences. The users provide their preferred genre, and using API integration & prompt engineering, the generator curates book recommendations with titles, authors & brief synopses.

Terror Grove - Fright Night Project

The "Terror Grove: Halloween Fright Night" is a dynamic web experience crafted to display my expertise in building immersive, responsive websites to captivate and engage users.

React Dictionary Search Project

Built using React.js, the utilisation of React components, state management & multiple API integration enables users to search for definitions of words whilst also providing synonyms, an image gallery & exemplar sentences of the word in use to comprehend their understanding.